Greyson Elizabeth

I believe that at our core, we’re all Renaissance beings:
people born with innate talents we’re here to discover
and birth in the world.

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

-Gospel of Thomas

We’re all capable of finding our unique,
inherent talents
hidden under layers of soil of our daily lives.
Once we slow down enough to excavate
beneath the busy-ness,
we reach the level of soul
where these gifts lie dormant.
Through an ancient process of inner alchemy I teach,
we can bring those talents to the surface,
rebirth ourselves, and begin to live soul-first.

I call this process inner design.
It’s a deep passion of mine
and I’m here to guide you in that journey.

I’m dedicated to cultivating a lifestyle of harmony
in a world that is overly focused on productivity.
I am here to embody the principles of the Divine Feminine:
co-creation, synergy, ceremonial living
and seeing everything in life as sacred.

I’m a 6/2 Manifesting Generator in Human Design.
A Leo Sun in the 9th,
Scorpio rising & Aries Moon in the 5th.

My passions include:

The Sacred Feminine Mysteries

Art & Astrology

Self-Discovery & Conscious Relationship Building

Beauty & Quality

Authenticity & Self-Expression

At my essence, I’ve always been a designer.
I used to think this was my entire identity
or that I’d have to abandon it entirely
to be in service as a mentor.
What I’m coming to find is that the mentoring serves my design work and vice versa.
They keep me balanced and whole,
so that I spark the remembrance in others
that we are all powerful & multi-faceted creatures.
We don’t have to sacrifice anything but the fear-based illusions that lurk beneath the surface
of our conscious awareness.

 If you’d like to learn more
about how I came to this place,
I invite you to pre-order a copy of my first memoir,
Letting Her Go.

I offer a deep bow of gratitude to the women who shaped me,

and who continue to nurture, teach

& inspire me every day.

(Click on their images to learn more)

My beloved Mother, Lisa Kirby

Holly Hunt, my Mentor in Design

Sarah Uma, my Mentor &
Guide in Inner Alchemy

Ariel Spilsbury, my Fairy Godmother